Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I'm back! Or, Pinterest made me mad...

I'm so sorry I haven't been around!  Darn holidays and such getting in the way of crafting.  And we're trying to sell the house so for a while I didn't even use my craft room cause I didn't want to drag stuff out, get halfway through a project, and then have to clean it all up.  Ugh.

But the other day I came across one of my pet peeves.  Links on Pinterest to something SUPER CUTE that I REALLY wanted.  Only to find it links to some bogus website.  Don't you hate that?  You get all excited about a new recipe you found, or a craft.  Click on the pic and bam!  Dead link, or even worse, just a larger picture of the food.  And don't get me started on those Polyvore outfits and thier $400 pair of pants.  Double ugh.

So let me start with the picture of the cute shoes I found....

Super cute right??  I did not inlude the link to them because it goes to a fake Toms website and I don't want anyone getting scammed.

And I LOVE Disney.  Plus we are going there for vacation this year.  So I thought perfect!  I could wear them while we are there!!  No such luck.

So I thought surely I could make my own!  And I did!!!!

A trip to Kmart and a few hours later....

Yeah I know these are not Toms.  But we don't have a store around here that sells them and I wasn't going to shell out the bucks for them.  But aren't they cute!!  I think I will still need to add a little more detail to the bow for Minnie but other than that I am perfectly happy with the way they turned out.
These will soon be listed on my Etsy shop.  Enjoy!
M-i-c-k-e-y   M-o-u-s-e!


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